ASAKUSA CAPSULE HOTEL only $30 a night for a room the size of a coffin
The hotel is located 100 feet to the right of the #4 exit of the subway station. You can see the exit with Japanese roof in the bottom left.
When you enter the lobby there will be a ticket machine.
Once you buy the ticket, you’ll want to press the upper left hand button.
The 3rd one over is in English.
Other buttons say “short rest”, “breakfast”, “clothes to keep”, “special love massage”.
Not really, but the others are true (LOL).

Each capsule has a little control panel.
There is an alarm clock, TV/Radio speaker, light and TV on/off switch. volume knob, and some panic button I managed not to press. Tou change channels by pressing the small black button.
The TV is a decent size when you are in the capsule.
A small screen comes down to protect you.